Theme: Maximizing Technology Advencements in Research and Education
UbuntuNet Alliance promotes research and education networking in East and Southern Africa....
We are thrilled to announce the opening of the call for abstracts and panel session proposals for UbuntuNet-Connect 2024, the premier conference dedicated to...
Maximizing Technological Advancements in Research and Education.
Get ready to embark on the road to this year’s annual research...
Everything we do at TERNET is centered on answering one key question, “How can we help education and research institutions in Tanzania harness the power of collaborative ICT?”. Innovative answers to this key question have been derived by highly professional and committed team of TERNET secretariat, who, through their hard work, passion, dedication and integrity, continuously drive TERNET forward
Are you an educational institutional or Research institution and you want become a member?
Have any query and would like to address to us,contact us and we shall come to you as soon as possible.
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"Over several months we have noticed how TERNET services have evolved from unreliable to reliable in terms of Internet provisioning, yet there is much work to be done by TERNET secretariat to see how the cost can be lowered to give/prepare our users(Researchers/students and administrators) in global perspective. We commend TERNET team for good work and we know there is always room for improvement that the secretariat can make use of. The recent bandwidth increase has positive effect and I hope it's a road map toward meeting expectations of member institutions." - June 2018
Before connecting to TERNET network in 2011, we were struggling to collaborate effectively with our key partners from other countries. We were getting only 2Mbps from our Internet Service Provider (ISP) then and we were paying at least $800 per Mbps per month. Despite the high price, the bandwidth speed was so slow, and this did not help us move at the same speed with our partner universities abroad in offering lessons to our students. It was also hard for us to reach out to our colleagues abroad?
Before we joined TERNET, we had a big challenge of unreliable Internet connection for 7 years. A computer waits for so long to gain access to the online resources. Even Director of Institute couldn't access, we had no LAN in many places in our campus but once we were introduced to TERNET and become member we are enjoying fast Internet connection for all staff and students! Also, budget planned for LAN deployment was about $131,787.03 as per quotation from another supplier but TERNET did it for about $3,500 including free network switches and consultation because IAE is a member of TERNET. Since then we have been enjoying Internet connectivity. We really appreciate being TERNET members!
Below are partners working with us.